Thursday, June 7, 2007

I'm Back and Punchin'

Well, work has gotten in the way once again. The last week and a half has been so hectic. One of my main admin assistants resigned just before the end of month billing. So needless to say, we have been up to our eyebrows in invoicing and field forms from my technicians. For those who don't know, I am the vice president of an engineering firm. We work closely with the construction industry. What that means is when someone doesn't get their job done, I'm the back up, I am also the wearer of many other hats in our office.

Well on to today's post, I belong to this wonderful on-line group of Stampin Up demos called Utah Divas International. One of the best swaps in the world is the Stamp Camp in a Box Swaps. These swaps are designed around a theme and the results are fabulous. There are usually three levels of cards, two to three 3-D projects, and then a variety of other projects ranging from trading cards, to 6x6 pages for a total of around 8 projects. The idea is that you could take the ideas you received from the swap and build a complete stamp camp. I love these swaps!

My very good friend Lisa is the hostess with the mostess for these swaps. I chose these little notebooks as a 3-D project for the swap. I took my inspiration for the little clipboard on the cover from a card saw on Beate's blog. I used all Stampin' Up products for this project. I chose my paper from the new Pallet of Prints package. I just love my punches, I used the Rounded Tab punch, the Spiral Punch, and the Corner Rounder punches. For the clipboards I used Pretty in Pink and Certainly Celery and topped them with Close to Cocoa. for my ribbon, I used the Moss and Light Pink Gingham, and the Light Pink and Olive Narrow Organdy. These were simple but I liked them.

I can't wait to see what everyone else has done for this swap. It's like Christmas waiting for my box to come back in the mail.

1 comment:

Michelle Tweedy said...

Charmaine, I'm loving this card!! Thanks for signing up for the Circle Journal. Please email me with your snail mail addy.