Saturday, May 10, 2008

Something's Growing

Look what's growing in my garden. I have my first strawberry. I'm like a little girl when it comes to the garden. I get so excited at each stage. When the sprouts first come out of the ground, and then when they begin to flower, and then the vegetables start to show; I get so excited. It brings back so many treasured memories of planting little gardens with my grandpa when I was a little girl. I would get so impatient for the plants to produce anything. He always let me plant radish, carrot, and green onion because they grew the fastest and I could pull them out and proudly present them to my mom for the dinner salad.

My trusted Scottie looks on in the background. I know he's wondering what the heck I'm up to. The next big excitements are going to be when the tomatoes and peppers start sprouting. This year I found seeds for red corn. Have you ever seen red sweet corn before? I've heard of blue corn, not red. I have never been very successful with corn, so I hope this new variety brings me better luck. My garden is rather small so I can't have a huge variety.

No doubt I'll post more as Charmaine's garden grows.

1 comment:

Maria Williams :) said...

Has there been any more strawberries? Would love to see what els eyou have growing!!

Maria :)